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奚诗百科 奚诗百科 08-05 【艺术】 857人已围观





Verse 1:

In the depths of the night, where shadows dance,

I'm the needle, the thread in this cosmic trance.

Stitching dreams into the fabric of time,

I'm the maker of destiny, weaving the rhyme.


My touch is precise, my aim is true,

Through the tapestry of life, I sew the new.

Every stitch a story, every pattern bold,

I'm the tailor of fate, in my hands, it's all controlled.


I'm the needle of steel, the thread of gold,

Crafting tales untold, as the world unfolds.

With every piercing point, every silent suture,

I mend the broken, create the future.

Verse 2:

Through the highs and lows, the joy and pain,

I embroider hope amidst the rain.

With the strongest thread, I bind and repair,

Healing wounds with care, showing I dare.


My craft is my power, my heart and my art,

From the torn and tattered, I create a new start.

In the quiet of creation, I find my stride,

For with every stitch, the universe abides.


I'm the needle of steel, the thread of gold,

Crafting tales untold, as the world unfolds.

With every piercing point, every silent suture,

I mend the broken, create the future.


In the tapestry of souls, each stitch defines,

A story of courage, of love that shines.

With hands steady and vision clear,

I erase doubt and conquer fear.

Chorus (variation):

I'm the needle of steel, the thread of gold,

Crafting tales untold, as the world unfolds.

With every piercing point, every silent suture,

I mend the broken, create the future.


So if you feel lost, if you're torn apart,

Remember the needle, the thread of the heart.

For in every tear, in every scar's repose,

Lies the beauty of how a strong stitch grows.


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