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奚诗百科 奚诗百科 08-03 【音乐】 914人已围观


Echoes of Tomorrow


Verse 1:

In the glow of neon dreams, where the future unfurls,

Where whispers weave through circuits, and data whirls,

There's a notebook of wonder, in sleek design it gleams,

Where tomorrow's melodies dance within its streams.


Oh, tell me, tell me, which notebook leads the way?

In the echo of innovation, where stars align today,

In the symphony of progress, a symphony of light,

Tell me, oh tell me, which notebook shines so bright?

Verse 2:

On the wings of innovation, where ideas take flight,

A canvas of creation, where every pixel's bright,

In the heartbeat of technology, where dreams ignite,

A notebook of tomorrow, with promises in sight.


Oh, tell me, tell me, which notebook leads the way?

In the echo of innovation, where stars align today,

In the symphony of progress, a symphony of light,

Tell me, oh tell me, which notebook shines so bright?


In the labyrinth of circuits, where innovation thrives,

A touch of inspiration, where creativity survives,

In the pulse of invention, where boundaries dissolve,

A notebook of transformation, where stories evolve.


Oh, tell me, tell me, which notebook leads the way?

In the echo of innovation, where stars align today,

In the symphony of progress, a symphony of light,

Tell me, oh tell me, which notebook shines so bright?


In the rhythm of the future, where time's tapestry is spun,

A notebook of horizons, where journeys have begun,

In the whispers of tomorrow, where visions intertwine,

This notebook of wonders, where innovation shines divine.

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